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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.CodeDom.Compiler;using Microsoft.CSharp;using System.Reflection; using CreateContour;namespace ContourGui{ public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //double DeJongX_max = 6, DeJongX_min = -6; //double RosenbrockX_max = 2, RosenbrockX_min = -2; //double RastriginX_max = 4, RastriginX_min = -4; //double SchwefelX_max = 100, SchwefelX_min = -100; //double GriewangkX_max = 10, GriewangkX_min = -10; //double MichalewiczX_max = 4, MichalewiczX_min = 0; //double EasomX_max = 20, EasomX_min = -20; //double DropWaveX_max = 1, DropWaveX_min = -1; //double SchubertX_max = 4, SchubertX_min = -4; if (MaxBoxX.Text.Equals("")) MaxBoxX.Text = "100"; if (MinBoxX.Text.Equals("")) MinBoxX.Text = "-100"; if (MaxBoxY.Text.Equals("")) MaxBoxY.Text = "100"; if (MinBoxY.Text.Equals("")) MinBoxY.Text = "-100"; double maxX_v = double.Parse(MaxBoxX.Text); double minX_v = double.Parse(MinBoxX.Text); double maxY_v = double.Parse(MaxBoxY.Text); double minY_v = double.Parse(MinBoxY.Text); if (maxX_v == minX_v) maxX_v = minX_v 100; if (maxX_v < minX_v) { double temp = maxX_v; maxX_v = minX_v; minX_v = temp; } if (maxY_v == minY_v) maxY_v = minY_v 100; if (maxY_v < minY_v) { double temp = maxY_v; maxY_v = minY_v; minY_v = temp; } Contour this_contour = new Contour(maxX_v, minX_v, maxY_v, minY_v, 500, 500); //De Jong 1 //Rosenbrock's Valley //Rastrigin's Function //Schwefel's Function //Griewangk's Function //Michalewicz's Function //Easom's Function //Drop Wave Function //Schubert's Function //User Entered switch(defaultFunctions.SelectedIndex) { case 0: this_contour.create_contour(Program.DeJong); break; case 1: this_contour.create_contour(Program.Rosenbrock); break; case 2: this_contour.create_contour(Program.Rastrigin); break; case 3: this_contour.create_contour(Program.Schwefel); break; case 4: this_contour.create_contour(Program.Griewangk); break; case 5: this_contour.create_contour(Program.Michalewicz); break; case 6: this_contour.create_contour(Program.Easom); break; case 7: this_contour.create_contour(Program.DropWave); break; case 8: this_contour.create_contour(Program.Schubert); break; case 9: CodeDomProvider codeProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp"); CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters(); parameters.GenerateInMemory = true; string SourceString = SourceCode.Text; CompilerResults results = codeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, SourceString); string error_string = ""; if (results.Errors.Count > 0) { foreach (CompilerError CompErr in results.Errors) { error_string = String.Format("{0} \n Line number " CompErr.Line ", Error Number: " CompErr.ErrorNumber ", '" CompErr.ErrorText ";", error_string); } ErrorText.Text = error_string; return; } Assembly mAssembly = results.CompiledAssembly; #region error checking MethodInfo[] user_meth = mAssembly.GetType("userclass").GetMethods(BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); if (user_meth.Length != 1) { ErrorText.Text = "Either no class: \"userclass\" or no functions were defined."; return; } string func_name = user_meth[0].Name; ParameterInfo[] param = user_meth[0].GetParameters(); if (param.Length != 2) { ErrorText.Text = "Function has an incorrect number of parameters: Should be 2."; return; } if (param[0].ParameterType != Type.GetType("System.Double") || param[1].ParameterType != Type.GetType("System.Double")) { ErrorText.Text = "Function requires parameters of type double."; return; } if (user_meth[0].ReturnType != Type.GetType("System.Double")) { ErrorText.Text = "Function returns an incorrect data type: Should be double."; return; } if (user_meth[0].ReturnType != Type.GetType("System.Double")) { ErrorText.Text = "Function returns an incorrect data type: Should be double."; return; } #endregion Type script = mAssembly.GetType("userclass"); this_contour.create_contour(ref script, ref func_name); break; default: ErrorText.Text = "Nothing Selected."; break; } ContourBox.Image = this_contour.contour_bmp; } }}


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